Your notary in Lucerne

If you are looking for a notary in the city of Lucerne, you have come to the right place. Our notary advises you on the following legal transactions, performs the corresponding public notarizations and notarial certifications for you.

You will find our notary's office in the heart of the city of Lucerne. We will advise you comprehensively about your options. Is it even necessary to involve a notary? Is there a formal requirement? What is the quickest and cheapest way to form my public limited company (AG) or limited liability company (GmbH)? Are there different ways to handle the purchase of a property? What if I need to create deeds of debt on the property? Can these be split up and are the costs always the same? Our notary's office will answer all your questions. We always look for the most efficient, fastest and cheapest way to satisfy all parties.

Contact our public notary today